Au Rwanda, la présidentielle est fixée au 15 juillet. La commission électorale a annoncé vendredi soir la liste des candidats retenus. L’opposante Diane Rwigara, qui en 2017 déjà avait voulu candidater, n’a pas été retenue. Elle se déclare très déçue.…
Top 10 Most Influential Opposition Leaders in Africa 2020
Top 10 Most Influential Opposition Leaders in Africa 2020 Due to long tenures in office and dominance of ruling political parties, many opposition leaders in Africa rarely get elected into political offices. There are very few political leaders who will…
Rwanda: le chanteur Kizito Mihigo enterré à Kigal
Les obsèques de Kizito Mihigo ont eu lieu samedi 22 février à Kigali, rassemblant de nombreux Rwandais. Le chanteur de gospel, connu pour son engagement pour la réconciliation post-génocide, a été retrouvé mort le 17 février dans sa cellule au…
“He was a national treasure” – Diane Rwigara Mourns Kizito Mihigo
As Rwanda and the whole world come to terms with the suspicious death of gospel singer Kizito Mihigo, opposition politician Diane Shima Rwigara has mourned him, describing the fallen singer as a national treasure. Mihigo, a popular Rwandan gospel singer…
La Belgique, terrain de jeu des espions Rwandais
Tentatives de piratage, surveillance et intimidations… Le pouvoir rwandais serre de près ses opposants et certains journalistes installés en Belgique, rapportent vendredi Le Soir et De Morgen. La Sûreté de l’Etat “confirme l’activité des services de renseignement rwandais en Belgique…
In an article titled “Rwanda Is a Shining Example of Good News from Africa” published in New Zealand based publicasion Stuff, on July 8, 2019, writer Phil Quin has a line that I love: “But the truth, as always, is…
Opposition members keep going ‘missing’ in Rwanda. Few expect them to return
(CNN) – When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn’t tell his wife where he was going, and she didn’t ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought. The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home…
Diane Rwigara accuses President Kagame of condoning political murders
Diane Rwigara accuses President Kagame of condoning political murders Rwanda’s most well-known opposition politician has accused the president of condoning the murder of people who criticize his government. Diane Rwigara has written an open letter to the president, part of…