People Salvation Movement


Rwanda prosecutors seek 22-year jail term for Rwigaras
Rwanda prosecutors seek 22-year jail term for Rwigaras

Rwanda prosecutors seek 22-year jail term for Rwigaras

Rwanda prosecutors on Wednesday requested the High Court in Kigali to hand both Diane Shima Rwigara and her mother Adeline Mukangemana 22-year prison sentences for, among other charges, inciting insurrection. The trial resumed a month after the two women were…

Rwanda: 22 ans de prison requis contre l’opposante Diane Rwigara
Rwanda: 22 ans de prison requis contre l’opposante Diane Rwigara

Rwanda: 22 ans de prison requis contre l’opposante Diane Rwigara

Au Rwanda, le procès de la militante Diane Rwigara et de sa mère a eu lieu ce mercredi devant un tribunal de Kigali. Après avoir passé un an en détention provisoire, les deux femmes, remises en liberté provisoire début octobre,…

“I will continue with what I had started” Diane Rwigara
“I will continue with what I had started” Diane Rwigara

“I will continue with what I had started” Diane Rwigara

“I will continue with what I had started” Diane Rwigara, an opposition leader and former presidential candidate in Rwanda, has been released on bail after over a year in jail on charges including inciting insurrection. She is a prominent critic…

Awaiting trial, Rwandan opposition leader says she’s determined to hold government accountable
Awaiting trial, Rwandan opposition leader says she’s determined to hold government accountable

Awaiting trial, Rwandan opposition leader says she’s determined to hold government accountable

CNN — Diane Rwigara, a leading critic of Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame, spent more than a year in prison before she was released on bail Friday. Now, as she awaits her trial in Kigali next month for incitement and election fraud,…

Le dégel politique au Rwanda est-il bien réel?
Le dégel politique au Rwanda est-il bien réel?

Le dégel politique au Rwanda est-il bien réel?

La Haute Cour du Rwanda a enfin ordonné la remise en liberté sous caution de Diane Rwigara, une opposante politique de renom, et de sa mère, Adeline, qui viennent de passer plus d’un an en prison. Elles ne peuvent pas quitter la capitale, Kigali, sans autorisation et leur procès – basé sur des accusations politiques – se poursuit. Elles avaient été…

Is Rwanda’s Political Thaw Real? Prisoner Releases Welcome, but More Needed to Demonstrate Genuine Change
Is Rwanda’s Political Thaw Real? Prisoner Releases Welcome, but More Needed to Demonstrate Genuine Change

Is Rwanda’s Political Thaw Real? Prisoner Releases Welcome, but More Needed to Demonstrate Genuine Change

After more than one year in prison, Rwanda’s High Court finally released Diane Rwigara, a well-known political opponent, and her mother, Adeline, on bail. They cannot leave the capital, Kigali, without permission, and their trial – on politically motivated charges – continues.…

L’UE salue la libération sous caution de l’opposante rwandaise Diane Rwigara et de sa mère
L’UE salue la libération sous caution de l’opposante rwandaise Diane Rwigara et de sa mère

L’UE salue la libération sous caution de l’opposante rwandaise Diane Rwigara et de sa mère

Kigali: Le Président de la Commission Européenne, le Luxembourgeois Jean Claude Juncker, se félicite de la libération sous caution de l’opposante rwandaise Diane Rwigara et de sa mère Adeline Rwigara. «Je me félicite vivement que la libération sous caution de…

Diane Rwigara Released; Rwandan Gov’t told to Drop Charges
Diane Rwigara Released; Rwandan Gov’t told to Drop Charges

Diane Rwigara Released; Rwandan Gov’t told to Drop Charges

A global organisation that defends political prisoners has urged the government of Rwanda to drop charges against former presidential hopeful Diane Rwigara and her mother Adeline Rwigara, saying “Criticizing the government and running for office should not be crimes.” The…

Kagame’s Guards Unleashed Violence On Diane And Adeline Rwigara Inside The Courtroom
Kagame’s Guards Unleashed Violence On Diane And Adeline Rwigara Inside The Courtroom

Kagame’s Guards Unleashed Violence On Diane And Adeline Rwigara Inside The Courtroom

On October 5, a High Court in Rwanda released on bail Diane Rwigara and her mother Adeline Rwigara. On hearing the court ruling, Adeline Rwigara raised her hands and praised God. The packed courtroom joined Adeline in excitement. Then the…